• info@internsassociationzambia.org |
  • +260 954 959 267

Make a Contribution

All contributions of any size are valued, and we thank you on behalf of the Interns served by Interns association of Zambia (IAZ). Our objectives are clear, we will be glad to receive contributions from any individual and organization that wish to see the association achieve its vision, mission and objectives.

“We believe the future and current state of the country lies in the possession of many active and creative youth.”

The Interns association of Zambia is a not-for-profit organization that is registered under the Registrar of Societies certificate No. ORS/02/35/25561 . If you would like to make a donation now contact us or email us on donate@internsassociationzambia.org our team is readily available to attend to you.

Interns Association of Zambia
Matero North off Great North RD N# 363
Lusaka, Zambia
Phone: +260 097 5020281 , +260 097 4829472
Email: donate@internsassociationzambia.org
Website: www.internsassociationzambia.org

2021 © All Rights Reserved | Interns Association of Zambia